About the Gibbons Prize 2021

About the Gibbons Prize

The Gibbons Prize pays homage to physicist, environmentalist, and Presidential Science Advisor John H. Gibbons. Jack Gibbons was a giant in technology policy-making, bringing science to the highest levels of the U.S. government. Among other things, Jack worked closely with scientists, industry, and political leaders to reduce the risk of climate change.

Jack also loved music, and music was a foundation of the Gibbons household. Family members frequently entertained guests with impromptu house concerts. Jack himself had a smooth baritone voice and occasionally played a mean washtub bass. For many years, the family sponsored and organized a summer music camp on their farm along the Obed River in the Cumberland Mountains. The Gibbons family recently donated that Obed property to help create our newest national park, the Obed Wild and Scenic River (https://www.nps.gov/obed/index.htm). The Gibbons Prize in music composition shares the spirit and contributions of our mentor, friend, and colleague.

For brief summaries of Jack Gibbon's life and accomplishments, please see the Washington Post, "John H. Gibbons, Science Advisor to Congress and Clinton," or Wikipedia, John H. Gibbons.

Gibbons Commission 2021

The 2021 Gibbons Prize has been awarded as a commission to composer Ronald M. Pearl. Pearl wrote a quartet for guitar titled Together, Apart, which premiered on 8 May 2021 by the Atlantic Guitar Quartet in a streamed concert sponsored by the Baltimore Classical Guitar Society (BCGS).

With this commission, Musica Canis Avem joined with BCGS to support local Maryland artists in weathering the Covid-19 storm. We congratulate Ron on the premiere of his gorgeous piece and the AGC for a beautiful performance.

Visit Ron Pearl's web page at www.ronaldmpearl.com.

Gibbons Prize 2019 Winners

The inaugural 2019 Gibbons Prize was awarded to Kristopher Magnuson, John Hall, and Saad Haddad.

To learn more about the origin of the prize and the judges for 2019, enter here.


Co-winner 2019: Kristopher Magnuson for Away 

Co-winner 2019: John Hall for Bachianas Americanas

Co-winner 2019: Saad Haddad for Guitar Etudes