W. Chandler.Five Minutes of Spring.html
Musica Canis Avem

Five Minutes of Spring

by William Chandler


About Five Minutes of Spring

William Chandler wrote Five Minutes of Spring in the spring of 2019. He intends the piece to convey the feelings of trying to seize spring for a time and realizing how quickly everything can change.

Chandler, the founder of Musica Canis Avem, has studied classical guitar with Larry Long and Matt Palmer. He studied composition with composer and conductor David Van Vactor. Chandler is also an energy and climate scientist and entrepreneur.

Five Minutes of Spring is dedicated to guitarist Matt Palmer for his unmatched combination of musicality and virtuosity.

Palmer and composers William Kenlon and Holly Gwin edited the composition. Copyeditor Kate Richardson reviewed the score. The cover image, Landscape by Marion Stafford, is part of Chandler’s personal art collection. The cover design was created by Laura McConnell, Fun With Type, Baltimore, Maryland (www.funwithtype.com).

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